You have to... you have no choice.
And then you deal with more of life's punches....
We recently found out that Porter will not be receiving IBI therapy in September like we had all hoped and prayed for. Apparently there are two vacant autism consultant positions and until they are filled, my boy waits...and waits...and waits.
I'm so effing tired of waiting. ( I had typed the real f word but then I felt guilty, someday Porter and Ruby will read this).
This is all I had typed last night and then I went to bed. It's funny how a new day can bring a new attitude.....
Sometimes it just takes a little perspective.
My boy is healthy. Yes IBI feels a bit like the "cure" that is just beyond my reach, but really, he is healthy. AND happy.
And this morning I noticed something. I called his name and he came to me. When Porter was diagnosed in March that was one of the first observations the psychologist noted that Porter was lacking as he gave us his findings. March is not that long ago.
I can't even say for sure how long he has been responding to his name. That is the thing with autism, the improvements are subtle and they sneak up on you. But yesterday marked the one year anniversary of his trip to our pediatrician. God that day. I'll never forget it but that's a whole other post...
I started thinking about every thing he has learned in this past year. It's too much to name. It really is! Here are my top 10 highlights:
1. He looks us in the eye. I mean the boy will press his forehead on ours and look us right in the eye. It's not even something we work on anymore. Maybe it seems small to some, but not for us.
2. He is requesting things other than freezies! It's not a huge list...the boy knows what he wants...but it's growing. We've heard juice, ice cream, candy, push ( on the swing) , squish ( he LOVES being squished between pillows) , spin and open to name a few...I'm sure there's more but who can think in this heat?
3. He loves to cuddle. In fact just this past month he has become such a little lovey! Especially in the morning. I can get a whole episode of Thomas in with him tucked right beside me . It is during these times, everything in the world is ok. ( p.s. I should note that in the last month we have started "brushing" him, it's a new part of his sensory diet . We also took him to a naturopath who prescribed some new supplements- Vitamin b12 and Omega 3 and a new probiotic. I'll talk more about this soon but I know they are both helping).
4. We can walk to the car without him taking off to the road. * BONUS - he can climb in his own car seat!
4. He started preschool and he can sit quietly at a table with the other boys and girls during snack!!! This was one of the reasons we started preschool , so that when it came time for kindergarten he would be more ready. I thought it would take MONTHS to get him to sit at a table. I hate when I underestimate him. He LOVES going and when I pick him up he looks up and smiles at me. It continues to melt my heart on a daily basis.
5. He is starting to really love Ruby. I can't put into words how I know, I just know.
6. He has more words that I could list. They are still mainly prompted, but they are all stored up there in that fascinating brain of his!
7. He plays with toys other than trains. And when he plays with his trains he is not just spinning the wheels ( although he still loves a good wheel spin now and then!)
8. He pees in the potty..we have even had 3 Code Browns in the past week! He is still not requesting to go, but if you pay attention you'll know it's time! ( I won't share what happens if you miss his signals, I don't want to embarrass the kid:)
9. He listens better. Like for example if he empties a bucket full of toys and I say "pick up", he will. Not that long ago we had to physically take his hand and make him pick up the toys. This is still an area that we are working on, like for example tonight he ran up the stairs with a tea light holder. I knew he was going to throw it, I said "Porter NO!" and he took great delight in biffing it down the stairs. (I said he listens "better" not ALL the time.)
10. We went to Shining Waters last week. Last year, we talked about it but we both agreed that he wasn't quite ready. This year we felt confident enough to give it a whirl! Big day!
We only stayed a little over two hours ( we wanted to make sure the day ended on a positive note) and there was some running...but it went well. Really well. I was pleasantly surprised with how nice it was. A little expensive, but lovely.
Here are a few pics from our day:)
We all had so much fun, I think Ruby had more fun that anyone! She is an absolute little fish! She LOVES, loves, loves the water!
So I guess what my post is about today is reminding myself yet again of everything I have to be grateful for in this life. It's a lot. Like a whole bunch.
Enjoy the rest of your week everyone!