Thursday, 5 February 2015

R.I.P. Uncle Brian

Uncle Brian, Ruby and I on one of our Halifax trips to the IWK, so glad I took this picture.

On Tuesday, Feb 3rd, we lost my dear Uncle Brian. He has been in the hospital with liver and kidney failure for weeks, but it was actually his heart that finally gave out and took him from this Earth.

It was his wishes that he have no special service and just asked that any viable organs be donated. If you knew him, that makes perfect sense. But it seems wrong not to pay his some small tribute. Just this morning I remembered yet another example of how kind and selfless this man was. When my Mom was alive , she lived on a very small income. At one point she canceled her cable to help cut costs. Uncle Brian used to tape her favorite shows ( back in the days of VCR's) and mail them to her. I remember when she passed away we found dozens and dozens of those VHS tapes!

Such a kind soul.

Rest in peace Uncle Brian. I will always remember you as the Uncle that used to let me swing on his arm, who took me to the corner store and bought me a huge bag of candy that would last for weeks after your visits, the Uncle that made me look like a genius to my Grade 3 teacher when he taught me how to find the square root of a number. And the Uncle who always made me laugh when he would say things like " here's 5 bucks, now go play in the traffic".

Love you always.
