Sunday, 17 January 2016


It's bedtime here at the Richard household, but I can't let the weekend go by without sharing a memory in honor of my mom. Yesterday marked the 10 year anniversary of her death. So hard to believe it has been 10 much life has happened that I wish she was here for...

I did promise to share a memory every year, as a way for Porter and Ruby to know her in some way. I don't remember the year but I think I was around 11 or 12 years old and mom was working at       " The Base" ( wow..just realized that " The Base" came up yesterday in my conversation with friends:) . Anyway back to my story. Mom was working as a secretary there. I believe the name was actually CFB Summerside, but if you lived here, you knew it as " The Base". 

It was summer and we wanted to spend our days lazing on the beach. I remember at least 2 or 3 times a week Mom would pick us up on her lunch hour and drive us out to Chelton Beach. (And there was usually a pick up of a friend on the way). Who knew a Chevette could make such good time! I remember we would get to that hill on the road that cuts off to Chelton and we would yell " go faster , go faster !!" We would get butterflies as we soared down the hill! Good clean fun. She would drop us off and then return after work to get us. I'm sure we never gave her the thanks she thank you Mom. I hope you can see this from where you are! xoxo